Tips for a Long Day of Traveling
This weekend, I went all the way back to the U.S. to spend the long Easter weekend with my family! It was super nice to sleep in my own bed for a few nights and eat my weight in Cheez its. However, I had a bit of traveling to do to get here, though--19 hours each way, to be exact. Luckily, this wasn’t my first time at the rodeo in terms of long traveling days. These are the things I’ve learned thus far that will make an intercontinental flight seem to go faster than you can say “laptops and tablets out of the bag, miss!”.
Pack ahead of time (and lightly)
It’s really important to not be running around packing your carry-on 10 minutes before you need to leave for the airport. Putting a little extra thought into your preparation can go a long way and make a world of difference when it comes to your overall comfort during your travels. I always make it a point to pack as light as I can so that I’m not stressed and scrambling when it comes time to get settled into my seat! Little things like a toothbrush, extra pair of fuzzy socks, and a stick of deodorant will make you feel way less miserable by the 8th hour of your long-haul flight.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Something that makes people miserable while traveling without them even realizing is getting seriously dehydrated. Airplanes usually have humidity levels of less than 20%, meaning you’re on a fast track to a headache if you don’t put a conscious effort into staying hydrated. I like to pack a portable, roll-up water bottle that I fill up in the airport once I get past security.
Choose your seat carefully
There’s nothing you can do that can prevent you from sitting next to multiple crying babies on your flight (true story), but you can be wise about which location you pick for your seat. is a great resource for finding that perfect window seat with unadvertised extra leg room--also it’s helpful to know that 24 hours ahead of your flight is the best time for choosing your seat. Also, a tip for when you’re traveling with a buddy--if you’re traveling on a flight that typically isn’t too packed, book an aisle and window seat because chances are you’ll have the middle seat open to stretch out in.
Buy the essentials
You’re only as good as your tools--so make sure that you are prepared for your trip with the right travel tools. An external phone battery, 3D J-shaped neck pillow, and fancy eye mask are all on my list. You’ll find what works for you with the more traveling you do, but I suggest hopping around various travel blogs to see what other people recommend.
Screenshot everything you need
When traveling internationally, you can’t always rely on your phone’s data to work in whatever country you’re going to. Because of this, you’ll save yourself from getting into sticky situations if you screenshot boarding passes, bus tickets, Airbnb addresses, walking directions--you name it--ahead of time. Plus, since foreign data can be crazy expensive per MB, you’ll save money this way too!
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